Promo Shot

Cover (Front)

” After finding something he’d been looking for in an untidy room, Small Colin left Scotland and went to Jönkoping (that’s in Sweden) to make music for people to listen to before, after and during designing furniture. This is however not the only reason, it is also intended to impress his girlfriend and her friends. From his studio thru the medium of music Small Colin has already taken someone out of a coma, prevented 27 suicides, caused 3, mended 16789674 broken hearts, and persuaded one of gods angels out of having an abortion. He now lives on James Bond Island and has an heir to his throne in the form of a small volcano.”

In the beginning of march this year Small Colin released his first full lenght album called “Tape Productions” on the Cologne based label REC72. Tape players were used extensively in the recording of this album so digital recorded intruments were tranfered to tape then transferred back from tape.  The tracks were then mixed, transferred to tape one last time, then transferred back to computer. This takes time and commitment.

The music that Smaill Colin creates is some kind of breezy minimal lo-fi, both happy and melancholic moods if offered. You get the feeling that the whole album is highly deliberate from first track to tha last, We LOVE this.

Get the album HERE!   

(Make notice of the pictures each track has in the download Zip)

04 - Reach Out